
Refund Policy

We want you to be happy with your order. If you are not happy with the way something turns out, please let us know how we can fix it. Before anything is stitched out, a proof will be sent to you for approval. Once it has been approved, we cannot accept returns for spelling errors etc.

Customer-Supplied Items Policy

The art of embroidery is not guaranteed on all types of fabrics and garments. If supplying your own item for embroidery, please note that we will not be held responsible for anything happening to the garment while in our care. We will do our best to assess any customer supplied item for its ability to add quality stitching before starting any kind of work. Please note the changes to the standard pricing list for customer supplied items.

Ice-Dyed Items

Ice dye is varying in nature when it comes to the outcome of the design. There is not guarantee on how color will or will not merge together. Once you have approved the colors you would like to use, the dying will be done and sent to you for approval before adding any stitching. The dying process cannot be redone in an attempt to gain a different "look". 

Order Production and Shipping Policy

Orders will be completed within 2.5 to 3 weeks from the date of design approval. We will always strive to get it done as quickly as possible. Due to the nature of a single head embroidery business there may be times that I put orders on hold to finish jobs already in que. During this time, we can still work on getting artwork approved, but the start date will be variable. In this instance, you will be notified ahead of time of the longer completion time. Shipping is not usually done. If there is something you want shipped please seek approval first.